The Best Places To Find Second-Hand Fashion

Since I’ve started incorporating minimalism into my life, I’ve cut down on the amount of clothes I buy significantly.

I’ve never been someone who has a shopping problem, but I do love to go thrifting and I often bought clothes for special occasions.

Borrowing clothes for one time events and shopping second-hand is a great way to avoid supporting fast fashion. Many of these companies create a surplus of textile waste, in order to keep up with trends that are constantly changing.

These second-hand options are not only sustainable, but can also be less expensive than buying clothes brand new.

Local Thrift Shops

Thrifting has become very popular recently, especially for people who like to upcycle clothes. Its an inexpensive option and there’s tons of tutorials online for turning old clothes into something more trendy.

Purchasing your clothes from thrift shops keeps used clothes from going to waste and gives back to your community too. Its also fun to look though the clothes and come up with creative ways to style them.

The Best Items To Buy: Every location will have different options, but from my experience thrift stores are best for finding t-shirts, men’s pants and button down shirts, and women’s causal blouses.

Mercari and Poshmark

While clothing from thrift shops can sometimes have stains or tears, resale websites like Mercari and Poshmark are meant for selling items in new or gently used condition.

Even though the clothes have to be shipped to you, its still a sustainable alternative to buying clothes new and doesn’t contribute to the fast fashion industry.

The Best Items To Buy: These websites are perfect if you’re looking for name brand clothes at a discounted price. You can find just about anything you want and new items are added everyday.


Depop is probably my favorite second-hand clothing source out of all of these. Even if you’re not looking to buy clothes its a great place to get inspiration for outfits, and you can tell that the sellers are really passionate about fashion.

If you want name brand items then Depop probably isn’t the best place to look, but if you’re interested in vintage or retro styles you should definitely check it out!

The Best Items To Buy: Depop is the best place to find unique items and vintage clothes, there’s also handmade and upcycled pieces.


Even though Etsy is known for art products, there’s also several shops that sell vintage and upcycled clothes. I love that buying from them supports small shop owners rather than clothing companies that mass produce their items.

Etsy also tells you everything that’s used to make the handmade items, so you know whether or not they’re sustainably made.

The Best Items To Buy: As far as second-hand fashion goes, Etsy primarily offers vintage clothing pieces but there’s also many shop owners that make personalized or handmade clothes.

Although its important to first reduce the amount of clothes you buy, these second-hand options are a good place to shop when you need to. Thanks for reading, have a lovely day!

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